About Us

Lingua Mind Move is a group located in Bozeman, MT. We are parents, teachers, and community members increasing world language exposure for children through film, music, movement, and games. Lingua Mind Move is currently involved in a world language and video production club at Irving Elementary School, in Bozeman, Montana.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Hi Club Members:

This Wednesday is EARLY RELEASE!! As I mentioned in earlier club meetings, we will be meeting from 2 to 5pm. This is so we can get the video recording done before school ends. Don't worry, we will provide plenty of snacks!! Parents: club will be done at its regular time, 5pm. Remember, wear your Irving t-shirts if you have them!

Videos to be recorded this week:
1. Cheyenne Health Enhancement video - think interactive rock, paper, scissors run and tag game (aka Giants, Wizards, Elves), using Cheyenne words and animals (Bear, Eagle, Rabbit). We will teach you the game, all you have to do it is play. All club members will play! See the video below and following text for rules.

2. Spanish Health Enhancement video - think group "London Bridges" game, Spanish style. For video of game, go here. Some will play, others will be camera crew.

3. Spanish In-Class video - "Cha, Cha, Cha". You guys have this one down. Actors are: Cedar, Alex, Ciara, Adah, Jason, Hayden & Milo.

4. Cheyenne In-Class video - Number One. (This is for Xada only). Xada, for lines, go here (scroll down a bit until you get to your name).

Some details:
1. Cheyenne Health Enhancement Game:
Video of Game, played as "giants, wizards, elves":

Animal "Trump" Order:
Bear (nákohe): Beats Rabbit. Motion: wide leg bent stance with "claws up", growling "nákohe"

Eagle (ma'xevé'késo): Beats Bear. Motion: arms wide in soaring configuration. Cries out "ma'xevé'késo"

Rabbit (vóhkóóhe): Beats Eagle. Motion: in slight crouches, with ears created with wiggling hands on either side of head, says in smallish type voice, "vóhkóóhe"

How to say 1, 2, 3 in Cheyenne:
One =   pronounced "nish"
Two = pronounced "nah"
Three = pronounced "nif"

Game Rules:
  1. Break students into 2 equal groups
  2. Each group is asked to gather far away from the other group, while quietly deciding what they are going to be (options are Bear, Eagle or Rabbit)
  3. Once decided, groups line up facing away from each other (1:1) on an imaginary straight line
  4. In Cheyenne, game organizers counts "1,2,3"
  5. At the end of "3": game players make their animal's motion and says the animal's name in Cheyenne
  6. The "trump animal" (see the trump order below) chases the other group and attempts to tag (To keep game more organized, tagger can only tag the person directly opposite them them in line)
  7. Those tagged by the trump animal player joins their group
  8. Repeat with newly formed groups
  9. Note: If each group chooses the same animal, then return to separate groups and choose new animal